List of market stalls Reclaim the Seeds seed fair 2017

The list of organisations and gardeners and others below who will have a stall at the seeds fair in Nijmegen on March 4th is taking shape. We expect some more names and there will again be tables where everybody can exchange seeds.
We do have some conditions that should be met by the people running a market stall and other participants.

De Godin
'De Godin, eetbaar landschap' (The Goddess, edible landscape) is a permaculture herbal garden with edible wild plants and perennial vegetables. Their vision is to create edible landscapes in The Netherlands and reconnect people with naturally grown foods. The Godin provides seeds of edible plants, gives courses and workshops and helps to lay out 'feeding nature'.

Velt Nijmegen
VELT is the Vereniging voor Ecologisch Leven en Tuinieren (the association for ecological lifestyles and gardening). The organisation gives lectures on organic gardening and on propagating seeds. By placing orders as a group VELT wants to ensure that a broad selection of organic seeds is available for everyone and thus promote ecological seed cultivation and genetic diversity in gardens. VELT supports those who want to spread the message of the ecological body of ideas. Both the Belgian and the Dutch divisions of VELT will be in Nijmegen for the seed fair and their stall will contain a seed cabinet with a large selection of organic spice- and vegetable seeds. Furthermore the stall will offer a large number of VELT publications in the area of organic food and ornamental and vegetable gardening, a sowing calendar, and books and games for the children.

Seeds Working Group Velt / Zaden voor Iedereen
Zaden Voor Iedereen (Seeds for everybody) is an intermediary for many garden projects.
Working Group Velt numbers 300 members, some more active than others. Allotment gardeners who grow, propagate, clean, gather and save and exchange seeds themselves. We collect information about hybrids, GMOs, organic propagation... We take part in events and conferences, and organise educational activities ourselves that are open to everybody: talks for starters as well as more experienced gardeners, exchange fairs, trips to professional seed savers, seed cleaners, tomato tasting... As a working group we have good contacts with the working group Eigen Zaadteelt (farmers saving their own seeds.)

Voedselbos Ketelbroek
Voedselbos Ketelbroek is well on its way to creating a sustainable food system of 2,4 hectares just south of Nijmegen, with a combination of permaculture, agroforestry and nature management. They work without external inputs from toxins or chemical fertilisers. They started laying out the most diverse food forest of the Netherlands 6 years ago and have already achieved an enormous diversity of species. they will bring different types of seeds and roots to the seeds fair.

Imkerij Hortensius
Beekeeper aiming for for biodiversity. For that purpose they grow a lot of special plants and multiply the seeds themselves..

Gradinka Kruidentuinen
Gradinka means 'small garden' in Bulgarian and this is a playful reference to Hedwig's other hobby: the beautiful Bulgarian way of singing. Here, in her organic-dynamic garden Hedwig grows over 300 herbs, vegetables and kitchen herbs, heirloom tomatoes, edible flowers and wild plants, and she collects their seeds. She makes ointments, massage-oils and dyes, she uses edible wild plants to make liqueur and wild pesto. By now she has a lot of special and edible plants in her garden. She has saved seeds for future breeding all her life, and this has now developed into lively bartering. She enjoys preserving biodiversity and going against the large firms such as Bayer / Monsanto. Gradinka is connected to the network 'Eeuwig Moes', which is committed to the preservation of old vegetable varieties.

Floris Natuurlijke Bomen
This is a small-scale fruit tree grower with a large variety of fruit trees, grown naturally and harmoniously. They sell ecologically grown apple trees, pear trees, cherry and plum trees. They offer a large variety of old apple species which are highly disease- resistant.. Take a branch of your favourite tree to Reclaim the Seeds and get it grafted on a good stem, right on the spot.

Hof Ulenkrug / Weizennotkommitee
A collective in Germany that grows old grain varieties to preserve them. As members of Longo Maļ and the European Campaign for Seed Sovereignty they are also closely involved in the resistance against the new seed laws in the EU.
Websites: en

Joop Reichenfeld collects seeds from vegetables, herbs and flowers from her own garden, from garden 'het Kruidenrijk' and from the pick-your-own garden and in the wild. She also makes herbal products of herbs she has collected herself, such as herbal tea, ointments, cream and soap.

ASEED is an activistic organisation and a campaign for a biodiverse agriculture and against genetechnology and patents on crop plants. ASEED campaigns against the free trade agreements like TTIP. They propose food-sovereignty and agro-ecology as alternatives. At the moment the organisation is working on a campaign on climate change and agriculture, targeting the industrial livestock farming and the massive consumption of meat and dairy products. On top of all this ASEED is from the start one of the organisers of Reclaim the Seeds.

Publisher Jan van Arkel and ClubGroen
Jan van Arkel publishes affordable books on climate issues, peak oil, permaculture and other environmental topics. ClubGroen wants to make permaculture more widely known among the general public.
Website: en

Omslag is an activity centre in Eindhoven for sustainable development, and brings people together around the themes environment, peace, work, culture, economy and solidarity. Through actions, publications and practical activities, Omslag is working towards a colourful and sustainable society.

Smultuin (Tasty garden) publishes a digital magazine and Ebooks for fans of tasty organic and of healthy food from your own garden. At the stall they have their own saved seeds and second hand gardening books on offer.

Cityplot is an urban farming collective that supports people who grow their own organic food on balconies, in window sills, in gardens, in empty buildings and along the streets. They give workshops on many different themes.

123Zaden has had a large collection of garden seeds on offer since 2009. We have been hoping for quite some time that we could offer organic seeds as well, in accordance with our own way of thinking and ideals . This wish was postponed for a long time because of bothersome paperwork and costs, but it has at last been fulfilled. 123 seeds specialises in pepper and tomatoe seeds, especially heirloom varieties. Recovering and maintaining old varieties is something we enjoy and think important.

De Voedselketen
De Voedselketen ('Food Chain' in English) is a small-scale company where horticulture and nature go hand in hand. 'Cooperate with nature instead of going against it' is their motto-with tasty and 'honest' vegetables as a result.

Stichting Zaadgoed / Pro Species Rara Nederland
Stichting Zaadgoed is committed to the development of strong and tasty breeds for the ecological sector and for the preservation of biodiversity in agriculture. They organise seed improvement and information projects to support the development of ecological seeds.
Pro Specie Rara is committed to safeguarding the biodiversity of crop plants and farmhouse animals. They try to achieve this by getting as many people as possible interested in seed production and by maintaining local and historical varieties, because they don't want to leave our agro-cultural heritage in the hands of multinationals.
Websites: /

Boekenwinkel Fort van Sjakoo
A bookshop in Amsterdam with books and magazines on guerilla gardening, vegan cooking, organic gardening, genetic manipulation, ecological building, social movements and the power of corporations. But in their collection and online webshop you can also find books about war, peace, migration, anarchism and other political and social-scientific subjects.

De Boerengroep
The Boerengroep (Farmers' Group) is a student organisation in Wageningen (Agricultural) University and Research that wants to bridge the gap between acgicultural practices and theories, in other words between farmer and student. By means of challenging, creative and stimulating activiteis the Boerengroep contributes to the practical as well as academic education of students.

Toekomstboeren (Future Farmers)
They are what they do and that is farming. They are the growing and prospering movement of Future Farmers. Some of them are new to agriculture and others are 'regular' farmers who are exploring new pathways. They are pioneers in approaches such as community supported agriculture, permaculture, or working with special varieties and crops. People and nature cooperate. They put agriculture and food systems into practice that are of and for farmers and citizens. Website:

Doornik Natuurakkers
A foundation that combines the organic / bio-dynamic cultivation of special types of grains with the protection of bird species that have crop fields for their habitat. They are also starting food forests.

De Tuinen van Weldadigheid
In the 'Salutary gardens' in Veenhuizen they have grown what is perhaps the largest collection of edible crops in the Netherlands for about 10 years now. They are helped by a number of volunteers with or without care budget they maintain and propagate among other things 100 potato varieties, 80 garlic varieties and more than 100 bean varieties. The garden complex measures 3 hectares and they organise tours of the area and other activities regularly. There is a plant sale in May. All seeds and seedlings and plants of the Salutary Gardens are organically certified.

Ellen Knoppe
Stall with the seeds of flowers, herbs, vegetables and ediblewild plants, second-hand garden books, some plants and water keffir.

Kwekerij A8
Kwekerij A8 has grown organic vegetables, herbs, flowers and plants since 2010. They propagate seeds and in cooperation with 'de Zaderij' they select seeds from different vegetable crops. Kwekerij A8 applies itself especially to growing small quantities of cross-pollination specific vegetable species.

'Edible Nijmegen' organises Permablitz actions: they join forces to change a town garden into an edible garden in one day. They We had to restrict themselves to front gardens that lay well in view and to one per town quarter. To be continued...

Kiemkracht 64 is een plek van 1,2 ha land in Malden, net buiten Nijmegen. Als stichting willen we zorg dragen voor de aarde. De manier waarop wij dit vormgeven is door in co-creatie met de natuur het landschap in te richten. We streven naar een zo groot mogelijke diversiteit van planten en dieren, met zo veel mogelijk eetbare soorten en waar we activiteiten uitnodigen die in verbinding staan met het land.

Buiten Bant
This organic/dynamic firm in the Noord-Oostpolder cultivates seeds for de Bolster, Cruydthoeck, Stichting Zaadgoed en Stichting ProSpecieRara. Tineke Alberts stands for seed propagation from the heart; the economy should not be the leading principle. She is busy developing a regional spinach variety that is resistant to downy mildew and that has adjusted to clay.

Planta Verda
Cilia Touw is an enthusiastic gardener who has been propagating seeds for a few years now. At the allotment garden project in Westervoort she cultivates, among other things, tomatoes, peppers, melons, eggplants, rucola, chard and broccoli. After taking part in Reclaim the seeds as a visitor she now has her own stall for the first time.
Website: not yet

The owners of a nursery near Doorn have successfully specialised in the production of potting soil, garden soil and organic manure compost.

Marion de Kort
Marion has studied the importance of the wild plant as food for 30 years. At the seed fair she will present her book 'Edible wild plants, learn how to cook with nature - the missing link in our food'. Why are wild plants so extremely important in our daily menu, and how does one prepare them? At her stall you can collect a bag of caraway seed. Eating from nature should not ruin nature but on the contrary lead to nature enrichment. And while stocks last you can taste carrot cakewith caraway seed. Use the harvest of the seeds you have just received to make such a cake.

Will be continued ...

Free exchange tables

Not everyone can or wants to fill an entire stand. For people who don't have that many seeds there will be exchange-tables available. Here people can display their seeds, preferably with some useful information attached to it (what it is, and when and how you plant it). Hybrid seeds are not meant to be displayed here. Also for this table the conditions mentioned below are applicable. Be honest if the seeds are a couple of years old, so you can avoid disappointments.

Also when you want to participate in the free exchange tables is would be good to have a look at the page with general conditions for stall holders and participants.